The second factory of bigger dimensions was inaugurated in Lendinara. The new company called Zambello s.a.s. di Zevio Zambello & C was constituted at this site.
The second factory of bigger dimensions was inaugurated in Lendinara. The new company called Zambello s.a.s. di Zevio Zambello & C was constituted at this site.
Zambello invented the first reduction gearbox suitable for universal mounting. Up to the present this design is the mostly used and copied version all over the world.
While in Europe and in the rest of the world the maximum speed range was only 1:6, Zambello invented the speed variators covering a speed range of 1:10. For the company that was the beginning of an extraordinary success.
Manufacturing of the first important site of the company, always in Castellanza, via Vittorio Veneto 65. In this new factory Zevio Zambello designed and started the real production of gearboxes and speed variators according to a catalogue having design features which up to that moment did not exist on the market.
Zevio Zambello founded the company under the Zambello name in a small courtyard in Castellanza, in the Varese province, with the purpose to manufacture gearboxes and speed variators. Born in 1929 at Lusia (Rovigo) in a farming family of Polesine, Zevio, already in his childhood showed a great interest in mechanics that led him to…
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod.
Zambello Group sarà presente a IRAN PLAST 2017 che si terrà al Tehran International Permanent Fairground dal 24 al 27 settembre 2017 presso l’Italian Pavilion Hall 38 38C118
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